AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth: Nº1 on Citywire

The AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth, managed by Capital Système Investissements, is ranked 1 out of 69 in the Europe High Yield category over 12 months at Citywire Selector, with a +21.2% return.

Over a shorter 3-month period, investors have experienced an extraordinary return of 68.2%, highlighting the AMC’s agility and resilience in navigating various market conditions.

About the Certificate:

Launch Date: February 1, 2022
Currency: EUR
ISIN: CH1111191230
Min. Initial Investment: €100,000
Min. Regular Additional Investment: €1,000
Target Yield: 10% p.a.
Secured Bonds: Collateral Fiducie Cash + Listed Equity
Duration of Underlying Debts: 24-36 months
Structure: Evergreen, Open-end
Liquidity: Monthly

Elevating Investor Opportunities

Capital Système Investissements remains dedicated to providing our investors with exceptional opportunities. The consistent and robust performance of the AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth showcases our commitment to delivering value and growth. For those interested in learning more about the AMC or exploring investment possibilities, we invite you to connect with us at


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AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth: Nº1 on Citywire